Monday, November 25, 2013

Digging for the Right Answer in Kindergarten

A Pilgrim child was digging for clams one day.   On her first try she found 3 clams.  Then she found 2 more on her second try, and on her third try she found 1 more clam.

How many clams did she find altogether?

Make a plan...draw a picture to help you solve this problem.
Solve the problem...
Check your work...does this answer make sense?
Share your answer with Mrs. Edwards!

Look at what Mrs. Glass's class shared with me...AWESOME job, Kindergarten!


Friday, November 22, 2013

Third Grade on Parade...

Ok, third's time for your challenge...don't let me down!  Can you show me how many Smarty Pants we have in Third Grade? 


It’s time for the annual school fall parade. The third grade decides to march in a special formation this year. One person walks in the first row, two people walk in the second row and three people walk in the third row. This pattern continues on and on.
If the whole third grade marches in 10 full rows, how many students are in the third grade?

Use numbers, words, tables and/or pictures to explain how you know your answer is correct.

 Check out some of the ways our third graders solved this problem...

Draw it out...


 Line plot...
Make a table...

Friday, November 8, 2013

Buckets of Smartness from Second Grade!

Farmer Gilbert milks his cows early in the morning. One morning, he milked four of his cows. He got 3 buckets of milk from each cow.

  •  Draw Farmer Gilbert's four cows.  Draw the 3 buckets of milk beside each cow.
  • How many groups of 3 buckets of milk do you see? _______.
  • There are _____ buckets of milk altogether.

Want to see some 2nd graders using the Sock Puppets app to answer the challenge...thanks Mrs. Doss for sharing.

Check out the video Mrs. Doss's class made using the Videolicious app to answer the challenge.  CLICK HERE! 

Thanks, Mrs. Hale for sharing your class answer!